Monday, November 23, 2009

So I've Been Thinking

It has been a long time since I have wrote on here. I have so much I have wanted to write but not much time to do it. Well I am waiting for food to get done cooking so here goes some thoughts and realizations.

In my life I have had to make a lot of hard choices. I have also had to do a lot of hard things. I am sure almost everyone has. I am doing one of those very hard things right now. I am taking a break from the things I love doing most so that I can work on me. This is SO hard for me and I really can not put it into words. I love helping others and I LOVE serving God but the best way I can do that right now is by serving Him by working on me. (it's a long story and I am not going to get into it now but just understand that it is VERY hard for me but I know it is what God wants and in some weird twisted way I am really glad it is happening.) So as I was thinking about this late one night (my sleeping schedule is messed up and im having a hard time falling asleep so this happens a lot) I was thinking about hard things. I started to think, I wonder what the hardest thing God ever had to do was? I mean nothing is hard for God is it? Then I remembered something I have grown up knowing; something that now has a brand new meaning for me. God created everything. God Made the heavens and the earth. God knows and named every star in the sky! god made woman (enough said!)! I surely could not keep the world together but God can! These things must be hard. BUT, these are not the hardest things God did. The hardest thing God ever did was send His son to die on a cross for our sins! (This sounds so elementary but hang on). God can do anything and He does SO much but the hardest hting He did was seperate Himself from Christ when Jesus bore our sin on that cross. Now Jesus and God are back together obviously but it hurt God. I am sure God cried terrible tears of hurt and pain. God , big powerful amazing hold-the-world-together God cried real tears of real pain. Why would God chose to let himself hurt? Because He loves me so much! The hardest thing God ever did, He did for me!
That is so humbling yet it fills me up and motivates me to do something about it! WOW! I have always known this in my head and even a little in my heart but now i am starting to understand it with everything I am!

So unrelated to this....
I am going through a recovery program and I am studying addictions and recovery in school for my minor in Psychology. Before I even rea din a book or heard in a class about the 4 areas of healing, I had figured them out. There are 4 places in which a person needs healing in order to recover and be healthy. They are spiritual healing, mental (or psychological) healing, emotional healing, and physical healing. I was thinking about these and a verse came to my mind. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul, your mind, and your strength. Could these htings be related to the healing process? I was thinking as follows:

Love the Lord your God with all your Heart (emotions and emotional healing)
With all your mind (Mental or psychological thoughts and healing)
With all your strength (Physical and physical healing)
and with all your soul (Spiritual and spiritual healing)

Could it be that in order to truly love God to your full ability, you need to be healed in these four areas? Just a thought. What do you think?